[1] Generic energy production model for smart grid emulation, Miłosz Krysik, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Ryszard Rybski; Measurement Systems in Theory and in Practice, ed. by R. Rybski, 2020, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 107-124, ISBN: 9788395771613, pdf
[2] Flood embankments monitoring system in on-line mode, Emil Michta, Piotr Powroźnik, Ryszard Rybski, Robert Szulim, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Urszula Kołodziejczyk, Jakub Kostecki; Measurement Systems in Theory and in Practice, ed. by R. Rybski, 2020, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 139-158, ISBN: 9788395771613, pdf
[3] Generic energy production model for smart grid emulation, 2020. Miłosz Krysik, Ryszard Rybski, Krzysztof Piotrowski; Proc. 13th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2020), 2020, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 49-52, ISBN: 9788395771606, pdf
[4] Analysis of communication parameters for chosen LP-WAN standards, Jakub Maj, Dariusz Eljasz, Krzysztof Piotrowski; Proc. 13th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2020), 2020, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 57-60, ISBN: 9788395771606, pdf
[5] Flood embankments monitoring system; Emil Michta, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Piotr Powroźnik, Ryszard Rybski, Robert Szulim, Urszula Kołodziejczyk, Jakub Kostecki; Proc. 13th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2020), 2020, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 65-68, ISBN: 9788395771606, pdf
[6] Mobile application to support maintenance of wireless sensor networks, 2020. Krzysztof Piotrowski, Igor Koropiecki, Przemysław Zielony, Piotr Powroźnik, Robert Szulim; Proc. 13th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2020), 2020, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 81-84, ISBN: 9788395771606, pdf
[7] Low-power artificial intelligence based sensors for wireless sensor network applications, 2020. Krzysztof Turchan, Emil Michta, Krzysztof Piotrowski; Proc. 13th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2020), 2020, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 105-108, ISBN: 9788395771606, pdf
[8] SMARTDSM: Data Space Middleware for Distributed Measurement Systems, 2022, Igor Koropiecki , Krzysztof Piotrowski , Robert Szulim; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 37–40, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[9] Idea of monitoring internal processes of distributed solar inverters, 2022, Miłosz Krysik , Krzysztof Piotrowski , Ryszard Rybski,Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 49–52, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[10] System do zdalnego monitorowania stanu wału przeciwpowodziowego nad Odrą, 2022, Łukasz Macioszek , Norbert Łukaniszyn , Ryszard Rybski , Jakub Kostecki , Urszula Kołodziejczyk , Krzysztof Piotrowski;Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 57–60, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[11] KANGAROO: Multi-hop protocol stack for Smart City sensor networks, 2022, Jakub Maj , Krzysztof Piotrowski , Emil Michta; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 61–64, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[12] Zastosowanie technologii reflektometrii w dziedzinie czasu do badań parametrów gruntów, 2022, Ryszard Rybski , J. N. Fry , Jakub Kostecki , Krzysztof Piotrowski; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 85–88, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[13] Graphical user interface in the SmartRiver system, 2022, Robert Szulim , Piotr Powroźnik , Emil Michta , Krzysztof Piotrowski , Igor Koropiecki; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 97–100, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[14] Emulation as a means to evaluate energy management algorithms, 2022, Krzysztof Turchan , Krzysztof Piotrowski , Miłosz Krysik , Igor Koropiecki , Piotr Powroźnik; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 105–108, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[15] Efficient and flexible intelligence on the edge, 2022, Krzysztof Turchan , Krzysztof Piotrowski , Emil Michta; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 109–112, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[16] Modular AI applications following the Sens4U approach, 2022, Kamil Wołoszyn , Emil Michta , Krzysztof Piotrowski; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 117–120, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf
[17] TINYDSM: Data-oriented middleware for low-power IoT, 2022, Przemysław Zielony , Emil Michta , Krzysztof Piotrowski; Proc. 14th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2022), 2022, Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Zielona Góra, s. 121–124, ISBN: 9788395771620, pdf